March 2023

Monday, March 20, at 7:00 p.m. Nature Trails Clubhouse, 465 202nd Street, Milford, IA 51351

  1. Opening - The meeting was called to order by Chair Terry Yarns. 10 people were in attendance + 1 zoom attendee for 11 total. Pledge of Allegiance. *Present at the meeting.

  2. Secretary's report was reviewed. Julie's original report submitted was approved by Tim F. with a second by Marti N. All aye. 

  3. Treasurer’s Report - Current balance of $5,951.24. The website domain name annual renewal was paid. The website’s annual management system (Squarespace) auto renewal will be in late April. The contribution check to Cindy Axne campaign for 2022 Congress, Iowa's 3rd district, was cashed by her campaign, but has not been reimbursed to us. Follow-up will continue to retrieve the funds. Motion to accept by Karen S.- 2nd by Harold P. All aye.    

New Business

  • Terry Y. brought up the fact that better organization is needed. A Vice Chair position needs to be filled as well as a small group organization.

  • Karen Sterk led the discussion about a new approach to getting a truthful message out to the public - a way to counter the Republicans BAD ideas and untruthful concepts. Tim F. and via zoom Phil Spevak impressed on the attendees the need to take responsibility for this in our own more local area. New State Democrat Chairperson Rita Hart obviously needs to prove to us in NW Iowa that more effort will focus on the difference between the two parties. We need to do this ourselves!

  • Phil presented online a Phase 1 and a Phase 2 concept that the three of them have been zooming and visiting about and what they roughly thought each phase might cost (strictly guessing). The concept is to improve messaging based on facts. The first step is to send out an RFP (request for proposal) to several agencies. The proposal that fits the goals of the group will be chosen based on several criteria points. Circulation, demographic targets, cost, and media are an example of criteria points. Phase 2 would involve execution and fundraising. 

  • A motion was made by Kaylene K. and 2nd by Joyce P. to get the ball rolling on this. All aye. Karen, Tim, Phil and Terry Y. set up dates and times in the very near future to get this out & and to interview those companies who may respond and explore. They will report back at the next meeting to be held in April for feedback.

Motion to adjourn at 8:17 pm by Tim F. with a 2nd from Marti N. The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 17, 2023, at the Nature Trails Clubhouse, Milford, IA 51351.

January 2023

Monday, January 16, at 7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order by Chair Terry Yarns. 7 people in attendance. Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary’s report was reviewed with no corrections or additions. Motion to approve - Tim F. 2nd by Barry Sterk. All aye.

Treasurer’s Report, Balance - $6,260.83. Approved Kaylene K./Harold P. 2nd. All ayes. There remains one congressional check for $250 not returned yet (Cindy Axne).

New Business
Statehouse republicans have priorities this session - #1 being to shove private school funding through with public tax dollars, taking those monies away from public schools -surely resulting in property tax changes down the road. Collaboration needs to be one quickly with local schools opposing public monies going to private schools.

Meeting attendees picked up where we had left off at the Nov. meeting. How do we get younger people interested in politics and attending meetings? The Sterks had Mr. Phil Spevak on zoom during our meeting. Phil had attended a meeting midyear last summer. He is an out of state person but visits the Great Lakes Region often and is really interested in helping with this if he can. All brainstormed. Perhaps host a Food & Drink Issues Event. Get unaffiliated voters more involved. Get the younger voters registered, perhaps right after high school graduations.

We should all try to make people contacts with the issues. We need to figure out what we wish to accomplish. Going forward – Tim will contact Art Cullen. Karen will contact Rob Sands and Ty Rushing. Will figure out in a paragraph exactly what we are trying to accomplish. Perhaps these 3 individuals would be willing to help us with reaching out to younger individuals in the community.

We will not meet in February. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 20.

Motion to adjourn by Tim F. – 2nd by Marti N. All aye. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m.

November 2022

Monday, November 21, at 7:00 p.m. 11 people in attendance. Secretary’s report reviewed. Elaine corrected the October reported minutes by stating that she had failed to report at the last meeting that the quarterly report had been submitted on time. This being added, the minutes were approved – Marti N./John A. 2nd. All ayes

Treasurer’s Report, Balance - $6,260.83. Approved Kaylene K./Harold P. 2nd. All ayes. There remains one congressional check for $250 not returned yet (Cindy Axne).

New Business

Election Wrap - Thank you to everyone for your work done during this election. We need to hold Republicans accountable. Iowa got trounced. Iowa did not have youth turnout like other states did.

Funds Distribution - A $1K limit per year exists for federal candidate contribution. Unlimited for other candidates. For the amount of money that circulates through our coffers, it is hardly worth the time and effort involved with paperwork filing to go another route for funds distribution to be higher.

Path Forward

  • Terry Y. reported he had attended a meeting last Saturday with the District 4 Chairperson. Did not really learn anything new.

  • Karen S. talked about ideas she had to get the younger voters interested. Younger people don’t care about politics but they do care about issues. Perhaps our organization could host an event at a brewery or other venue and feature a panel of speakers. Ideas: Demarcus Carter (state diversity, equity, inclusion chair for the Iowa Democratic Party); Ty Rushing (editor of Iowa Starting Line). Maybe some mental health speakers. Door prizes. Perhaps target 20-30 year old attendees. Post this at all college locations to get people to attend. Spend our dollars this way?

  • After much discussion we were all encouraged to talk with younger people over the holidays and focus on what their issues are and what they care about and report at the next mtg.

Meeting Adjourned, 7:46 pm

There will be no December meeting. The next meeting will be January 16, 2023.

October 2022

Dickinson County Democrats     Meeting Summary

Monday, October 24, 2022, 7:00pm

Nature Trails Clubhouse, 465 202nd Street, Milford, IA 51351

  1. Opening - 20 people in attendance All

Secretary’s report reviewed; approved, John/Joyce, 2nd Linda

  1. Promo Items still available for donation - car coasters and tumblers

i. Attendees stepped up to support, $; close to breaking even

ii. Reminder of reason: messaging, connecting people, fund raising; kept low cost

iii. Push for future donations; Xmas stocking stuffers

3. Treasurer’s Report, $6,348.83 ($200 ck outstanding); accepted, Harold/John A, 2nd Elaine

Thank you notes received - Smith, Axne, Mathis

Discussed giving to campaigns

Voted unanimously to give $500 ea. to Franken, Demings, T Ryan, M Kelly,

Fetterman, Warnock

Old/New Business

Campaign signs & report on Franken activities Karen

i. Good campaign stops with 80 + attendees; 100, Ft Dodge; 110, Waterloo etc.

ii. Push----Website :; use community support tab

iii. Karen’s ph: 712-348-1906

iv. Need for one on one discussions with voters

v. Reminder- M Franken on MSNBC at 9:00 pm (Oct 24)

Local ads and information John A

i. LNS this week: qtr page ad of Dem candidates (distribution is 22,000)

ii. Next Week (Tue Nov 1) - John will have a story in the LNS

Voting-Saturday, Nov 5-voting should be open at the Dickinson County Courthouse 

Open discussion of issues and updates All

Referenced J Carville, Dems need to emphasize Economy too-

Republicans plans to cut, or privatize SS

Better offense, all topics

CO 2 pipeline discussion

Stronger fight back &; truth telling emphasis needed

5. Adjourned, 8:20 pm

Next meeting – November 21, Nature Trails Clubhouse

September 2022

Dickinson County Democrats     Meeting Summary

Monday, September 19, 2022, 7:00pm

Nature Trails Clubhouse, 465 202nd Street, Milford, IA 51351

Opening / Pledge of Allegiance                  17 people attended All

Secretary Report, distributed & approved, Tim F./ 2nd Marti N. Julie/Linda

Treasurer’s Report, Balance $10,182.83, accepted, Harold P./ 2nd Lou HW     Elaine

Old/New Business

Summer Sizzler - +/- update which was held Aug. 24

  • Great event – had good coverage of event – maybe skip a year now & go for 2024

  • Look at a different time of year?

  • For continued success, more leaders and organizers need to step up. All information is digitally available and in place for future event

  • How to involve more people and a younger crowd – look at the college atmosphere?

  • Several people spoke up with ideas & observations

Summer Sizzler Distribution of funds – Net of $5,471.95

  • Deidre DeJear/Michael Franken - $1K each  /  Tom Miller /Joel Miller - $500. each  /  JD Scholten/ John Norwood /Jackie Smith/Christina Bohannan/Liz Mathis/Cindy Axne/ Ryan Melton - $250. each. Total of $4750. Distribution.

  • ¼ page ad the week of Oct. 25 in the Lakes News Shopper  - “VOTE for democrat candidates” with a sizzler follow-up the next week.

  • Motion – Kaylene K./2nd John A.   Motion carried for spending monies

Signage – Contact Karen Sterk for Franken signs, 712-348-1906.

Upcoming Debates:  

Franken & Grassley:  Thursday, October 6, 2022, 7:00pm, Iowa PBS (IPTV)

DeJear & Reynolds:  Monday, October 17, 7:00pm, Iowa PBS (IPTV)

Absentee Voting information from Bob G was distributed. Absentee ballot request form can be requested NOW from the Auditor’s office. To avoid postal service delays, submit the request now. The completed request form must be received in the Auditor’s office by Monday, October 24, 5:00pm.   Absentee voting in person will begin on October 19.

Democrat Headquarters in Dickinson County – discussion about a physical location– Not this election cycle

Meeting Adjournment @ 8:20pm Terry

Next Meeting: October 17,  2022, Nature Trails Clubhouse

August 2022

Dickinson County Democrats Meeting Summary

Monday, August 15, 2022, 7:00pm

Nature Trails Clubhouse, 465 202nd Street, Milford, IA 51351

Opening / Pledge of Allegiance

Secretary Report, Read &  approved, motion,Bonnie,  2nd -Kaylene

Treasurer’s Report, Balance $10,024.92, approved, motion-Bonnie, 2nd-Linda

Old/New Business

Summer Sizzler III Update (Wed Aug 24)

  • Ticket Sales - started July 18. As of Fri Aug 12, 156  tickets sold (max 300)

  • Deadline for tkt sales, Aug 22

  • Media - Ad; ¼ pg ad for  page 1 of LNS; ads to be in other area shoppers 

  • 2343 registered Democrats in Dickinson Cty; distributed sheets to contact

  • Distributed sign up sheets for set up, take down, registration, greeters +

  • Tue 23rd- 3:00 pm set up scheduled; Gordons, geraniums; Kaylene+, ctr pieces

  • Golf cart need- Bonnie to contact Denny P 

  • Cash bar 

  • Insurance in place, annual for org $351/yr

  • Items-coasters, tumblers w messaging to be offered for donation  

           Social media   

–Request minutes on website; most in attendance had not seen email.


  • Barn signs up and more to come- details; if wood available, advise

  • Yard Signs & bumper distributed          

  • Meet and Greets: Aug 24, Miller and Franken

  • Franken Chair report..need our help, 1-on-1s

(Noted Franken Bday, 65th on Nov 8!)

             Open Discussion

Meeting Adjournment

Next Meeting: September 19, 2022, Nature Trails Clubhouse

July 2022

Dickinson County Democrats - Meeting Summary

Monday, July 18, 2022, 7:00pm

Nature Trails Clubhouse, 465 202nd Street, Milford, IA 51351

  1. 6:59 p m   Opening / Pledge of Allegiance All

  2. Treasurer’s Report , Balance, $3,810.62 Elaine

  1.  Old Business

  • Block Party Recap - report from Linnea; distributed idea sheet & summary Linnea/Tina

  • Summer Sizzler Update (Wed Aug 24)     John/Harold

    • Advertising  & tickets review, $40 ea; all should sell/promote

    • Decorations- tablecloth cleaning, centerpiece-go green, simple

      • Donation to clear tablecloths received

    • Speakers - 8, Program scheduled for 2 hrs - Ends at 9:00pm

    • Items to offer for “donations” - Linda M to review products 

    • Security arranged

    • Logistics/Set-up:  All needed to assist. Finalized at next meeting

  • Communication- Rich N, all up to date electronically; will manage      


ActBlue L Online tickets:

QR code - Scan for Online Tickets    

4,  New Business

  • Ethics Campaign Disclosure Report was submitted July 14th as required Elaine

  • Pioneer Days Participation (Sat Jul 23) Terry et al

    • Kaylene, Harold, Tim discussion of plan

  • Call for Vice-Chair Terry

    • Terry to research, talk to Tina B.

  • Call for Secretary       Terry         

    • Nominated by Joyce: Linda M and Julie F, co secretaries       

      • Seconded and vote unanimous to approve

  • Discussion re Franken signs…information coming         Marty N

5.  Other Business

  • 8 pm Meeting Adjournment       Terry

Next Meeting: August 15, 2022, Nature Trails Clubhouse